When I founded Men’s Family Law, over 20 years ago, it was because I knew how misinformed and underrepresented men are in the family courts. From divorce and alimony to child custody and support, men deserve to have a strong advocate on their side fighting for their needs and rights — and I’m here to do just that.
With over two decades of experience, you can rest assured I’ve got the legal knowledge and experience you need to defend your rights and make your voice heard.
When you are facing the possibility of divorce or losing custody of your children, you need an attorney who knows how to successfully advocate for your needs.
Whether it’s in front of a judge or a mediator, I have the aggressive litigation skills needed to help you tell your story and fight for the best possible outcome in your case.
This essential guide answers many
of the big questions men have about
divorce in plain English.
Nothing is more important than
your children. Get answers on how
to protect that relationship.
Believe it or not, men can be the
victim of domestic violence. Learn
how you can protect yourself.
A short term relationship became a 19 year drama for this man who fathered children with a woman who was using the children to extract support. We kept the support amounts low and in line with what the children really needed.
Maintained reasonable support payments for the father.
This alleged father came to us after he was served with paperwork demanding that he start paying child support. He claimed that the kids weren’t his, so we defended. The initial DNA tests results showed it was not his kid.
Successfully proved client was not the father.
Another case of loving father who fell behind in his child support payments. We had to do a full accounting going back years to find that he had actually overpaid. It was a long battle with the District Attorney and Child Services, but we won.
Successfully renegotiated child support payments
When it comes to issues of family law, the term “legal battle” truly applies. Whether you’re fighting to retain what you’ve worked hard for in a divorce, or fighting for custody over your children, you are facing the prospect of losing everything that matters most to you. You need a family law attorney who understands what's at stake and will fight tooth and nail to protect your rights.
For over 20 years I’ve been working with clients in Santa Monica and across the greater Los Angeles area. I represent fathers and husbands who are looking for someone to educate them on their situation and advocate for their interests. I fight unapologetically for their rights as a parent and spouse regardless of the situation and what they’re up against.
I decided to focus on men’s family law because I’ve witnessed a number of men lose out on parental rights and lose their children simply because they didn’t have a strong advocate on their side. At Men’s Family Law, we believe that men play a vital role in raising a child. Unfortunately, that role isn’t honored as often as it should be within the court system.
That’s why I’m proud to not only guide men through the legal process but to educate them so they can understand their rights as a husband and a father. I understand how scary it can be to face the prospect of losing your home, your possessions, or even your children. Whether it’s through my books, my podcasts, or my legal services, I’m here to help men fight for what matters most.