Alienated Children's Statements In Parental Alienation Cases
In California, beginning in 2012, children over the age of 14 may be heard by the court if the judge decides that it will be helpful. Most of the judges that I have heard speak on the subject are going to be very cautious about allowing children into the courtroom, whether it is in Van Nuys, Santa Monica, Downtown Los Angeles, Torrance or any of the other district courts of the Superior Court of California in Los Angeles County.
The Judges are very concerned about the long-term effects of testifying against or for, either parent.
But that doesn’t mean that a parent can’t get a judge to hear the child. The emails that they send to an alienated parent can be admitted if a proper foundation is laid. The same goes for the Instant Messages they send, along with the text messages. Those statements can be used, especially if they are favorable to the targeted parent or are indicative of manipulation by the alienating parent.
Target Parents in a Parental Alienation case have to be resourceful and creative, they have to think in ways they are not used to thinking, but they can prevail in court if they are determined.