Charlie Sheen Shows You How It's Done !
Yes, Charlie Sheen, the thrice married man, and thrice divorced, is at it again.
This time he’s set to marry Brett Rossi, the 24 year old he’s been, well,…. you know.
Asked if he’s getting a pre-nuptial agreement – he said YES ! of course in true wizard style it was “You Keep Your Shit, and I’ll keep mine!” Which is basically what a premarital or a post-marital agreement is all about. They’re only worth spending the money on, if you have shit, those people who want them to deal with Child Custody – not going to happen. They can be used to limit Spousal Support – but even that is not always a dead-bang winner all the time.
So if you’re going to be like the wizard, and get remarried for a FOURTH time, or even just a second time, remember to get a prenup – even if it’s as simple as “You keep your shit, and I’ll keep mine.”
Read more about Charlie Sheen here, and if you have questions about your fiance and what they’ll get in a divorce, call us at 310-664-9969. We prepare Prenups all the time, and we can prepare one for you.
Charlie Sheen is engaged to Brett Rossi