Child custody cases can become not only international disputes, but they can also become a criminal matter, from Amber Alerts to the International Cause Celebre ala Elian Gonzalez and the Goldmans and Brazil.
In international child abduction cases, the U.S. has a law to address the remedies available. It is called the INTERNATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTION REMEDIES ACT.
When another state has made a child custody and visitation determination the local state courts (like Los Angeles Superior, Ventura Superior Court or Orange County Superior) do not have jurisdiction over the case, UNLESS the child is in the state of California AND there is a risk to the child’s health and well-being.
I frequently hear from my Los Angeles fathers, that their children’s mom is “cutting me out of my kids lives” and to varying degrees this is called Parental Alienation.
I was interviewed by Steve Peck on DIVORCE SOURCE RADIO in this edition called A Man’s Guide To Divorce and this is an excellent conversation on the state of men’s rights in child custody and divorce cases.
Frequently the mother claims that the father is not a good parent, or too immature, or too uneducated on how to provide for a newborn. I think those are weak arguments at best and disingenuous at worst.