David Pisarra

Fathers can be FREE from Child Support

In a little noticed case in California, T.P. v. T.W., the appellate court allowed a mother to seek termination of the Father’s rights to his child, while this case is a setback for father’s rights, on the other hand it is a way for men to free themselves from the bondage of child support for a child that is being withheld from them by the mother.
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David Pisarra

Every Man in America Should Boycott Pepsi

Yes, I did just call for a boycott of Pepsi. And yes, I know that includes a lot of our favorite foods, but seriously, their ad LOVE HURTS, is so offensive and abusive to men in its portrayal of domestic violence against men, that the company deserves. it.
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David Pisarra

Child Custody – The Big Lie Women Tell

When it comes to child custody battles, there are certain events that are almost destined to happen, one of them is the big lie that mothers like to tell about the fathers. They say that they are afraid for the baby’s safety when dad has sole parenting time.
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David Pisarra

Child Custody Wars – Games People Play

As parents transition from co-habitation to co-parenting, there are certain issues in child custody battles which come up with great regularity. Whether there is an international child custody battle going on, or the parties are in differing states, or just different parts of the same city, having to share a child is a difficult thing to do.
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