California Domestic Violence Defined

California has defined Domestic Violence, which is sometimes referred to as Domestic Abuse, Spousal Abuse, Partner Abuse, Spousal Battery and Domestic Battery, in the Family Code at Section 6203
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California Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

In California, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders can be issued upon one person telling the court in writing that another person, someone they are married to, dating or living with, has committed Domestic Violence or Domestic Abuse.
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David Pisarra

What is Domestic Battery ?

People frequently ask the question of What is Domestic Battery? In California domestic battery is the intentional or reckless attempt to cause bodily injury, it is also sexual assault.
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Calendars are a Target Parent's Best Friend

For the Target Parent in a child custody case where parental alienation is going on, the Calendar is their best friend. It is crucial that a Target Parent keep a calendar of all the activities, phone calls – both missed and actual, comments made by the Alienating Parent and anything that an attorney can use to prove the reliability and dedication of the Target Parent.
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David Pisarra

Parental Alienation – The Molester Charge

I’ve been representing parents in child custody cases throughout the six southern California counties of Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, Santa Barbara and San Diego since 1998, and I have learned that in most Parental Alienation cases, sooner or later, usually sooner, the alienated parent is accused of being a child molester.
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David Pisarra

How To Use Family Movies in Parental Alienation Defense

Child Custody cases frequently come down to a She Said/He Said battle for the judges in the Superior Courts of Los Angeles County. They have to read dueling declarations, and listen to long winded testimony about why the other parent is negligent, deficient, abusive or incompetent.
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David Pisarra

Children are Property – so the Alienating Parent thinks

Child Custody cases where the parties are fighting over the Legal Custody or Physical Custody, or both, of the child or children will always show the true colors of the parties. The heat of battle burns off the facades and the true character of the parents is what is left.
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